Concerts & Events

Sunday, Aug. 18: LYS retreat at Camp Solaris 1:00 to 7:00

Sunday, Nov. 3: Concert at Lincoln Southwest HS Auditorium

1:00  Volunteer setup

1:30 – 2:30 rehearsal

3:00 concert

Sunday, Feb. 2: Concert at Lincoln Standing Bear HS Auditorium

5:00  Volunteer setup

5:30 – 6:30  rehearsal

7:00 concert

Thursday, Apr. 10: Concert at Irving Middle School with JYO and YES

6:00 rehearsal

7:00 concert

Sunday, Apr. 13: Concert at Lincoln Standing Bear HS Auditorium

1:00 volunteer setup

1:30 -2:30 rehearsal

3:00 concert

Friday, Apr. 25  Side-by-Side concert with the Lincoln’s Symphony Orchestra (Lied)

7: 00  orchestra call

7:30  Concert